Muscular System




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 Muscle Picture







                 There are three types of muscles in the human body.  There are cardiac muscles, skeletal muscles, and smooth muscles.  Muscles help you move, exercise, and go about your daily life.  Did you know that without muscles your guts will start sagging and lungs from pounding?  Without muscles you will be weak and your body heat will drop tremendously.  There are 656 to 850 muscles in the human body. 


Muscles In general: 


Sometimes your muscles have a spasm. That means they get tight. When you pull a muscle that means that you are tearing the fibers inside the muscles. The cause of this is from not stretching before you exercise. Eating bananas prevent pulling muscles because they have potassium.  Muscles are just bundles of cells, fibers, and muscle tissue. With out muscles you wouldn't be able to move or do any thing then you would die witch is bad.   


Skeletal Muscles:


          Did you know that skeletal muscles make up %50 of your body?  You have about 640 skeletal muscles in your body.  Skeletal muscles are voluntary muscles that you can flex and cautiously control.  That heart is an involuntary muscle, which means you have no control over it.  Muscles are arranged in layers over the bone.  Skeletal muscles have an abundant supply of blood vessels and nerves.  A skeletal muscle links two bones across its connecting joint. Some examples are:



Smooth muscles

Did you know Smooth muscles are found in the hollow parts of your body? In this paragraph you will learn all about what smooth muscles are and, how they work. Smooth muscles include stomach, intestines, blood vessels and the bladder. Smooth muscles are also arranged in layers. Smooth muscles are under the control of autonomic nervous system. Your abdominal muscles are your stomach muscles. Your strongest muscles in your body are your body is a smooth muscle. The strongest of your muscles are masseters located on each side of your mouth. The fibers in smooth muscles are running in a different direction then each other. In fact smooth muscles are the most common muscles. Most people don’t know there are three types of muscles. They are smooth muscles, skeletal muscles and cardiac muscles. If you remember all of that you will know all you need to know about smooth muscles. Those are facts about smooth muscles.  

















The cardiac muscle is one of the three types of muscles in the human body. The cardiac muscle cells are long strips. Did you know that the heart beats non-stop 100,000 times a day? This happens because of cardiac muscles. In the human body cardiac muscles contract automatically to squeeze the walls of the heart inward. This is an interesting fact. The fact is cardiac muscles never get tired or stop until you die. That could be a very long time depending on the person. Cardiac muscles do not fatigue. The meaning of fatigue is weariness from bodily or mental exertion. Did you know that cardiac muscles are very like skeletal muscles, but they have certain features? That is some information about the CARDIAC MUSCLES!










                      Did you learn any information about muscles? We know we did. If you really enjoyed learning about the muscular system and you want to learn more visit the websites that we gave you. They have a lot of information. You can even do Google searches to find information too. Now if you are playing sports or having fun and you feel your heart pumping really fast you know why that happens. Your heart is pumping blood throughout your body by using your muscles. Now you know that stretching is really important before you play, run, or exercise. If you pull a muscle it will really hurt. If you stretch before you play you won’t pull a muscle.   







1. Autonomic: Of or pertaining to the autonomic nervous system. 
2. Masseters: A thick muscle in the cheek that closes the jaws during chewing.
3. Fatigue: weariness from bodily or mental exertion
4. Spasm: a sudden uncontrollable jerking of the muscles
5. Sagging: to hang down unevenly; droop
6. Muscles: Contractile tissue that produces movement in animals.
7. Cardiac Muscles: The Heart